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What Parents Need to Know About E-Cigarettes & Vaping

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, e-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) are becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, with almost one in five high school students reporting that they have used an e-cigarette in the past month.

One of the main concerns with vaping is the potential for addiction. E-cigarettes contain high levels of nicotine, which can quickly lead to addiction and make it difficult for teenagers to quit. In addition to addiction, the nicotine in e-cigarettes can have negative effects on the developing brain, leading to issues with attention and impulse control.

E-cigarettes can contain harmful chemicals and toxins, such as formaldehyde and acrolein, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. Additionally, vaping can lead to lung damage and inflammation, which can increase the risk of respiratory infections.

Another concern with vaping is the risk of accidental nicotine poisoning. E-cigarette cartridges and liquid nicotine can be extremely toxic if ingested, and even small amounts can cause serious harm or even death. Parents should make sure to keep e-cigarettes and vaping products out of reach of young children.

It's important for parents to talk to teenagers about the risks of vaping and help them understand the potential consequences of their actions. Parents should set a good example by not using tobacco or e-cigarettes themselves and should encourage their teenagers to avoid vaping and other forms of tobacco use.

Kids First Pediatrics wants to stress the importance of parents and healthcare providers being aware of the risks associated with vaping among teenagers. By educating teenagers about the dangers of vaping and the potential consequences of their actions, we can help prevent addiction and other negative health outcomes associated with e-cigarette use.

Need help talking with your teen about vaping? About cannabis? About mental health? We can help. Give us a call today. Raleigh; 919-250-3478, Clayton; 919-267-1499.

*This article is informational but is not a substitute for medical attention or information from your provider.


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