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Top 6 Benefits of Early Diagnosis/Screening Tools

Kids First Raleigh is dedicated to providing your child with the best care possible. The quality and effectiveness of pediatric care is known to increase with the benefits of early diagnosis. Early diagnosis allows our pediatricians to catch medical conditions, psychological conditions and diseases in their early stages and begin treatment before other issues arise or symptoms get worse. Kids First uses an online screening, diagnostic and management system called CHADIS to increase the chances of early diagnosis, enhance pediatric office processes and screen children for the prevention of other conditions.

What is CHADIS?

CHADIS is an online tool that allows parents and patients to complete questionnaires and other documentation electronically before their visit. This online system allows our pediatricians to have immediate access to important medical documents and information that can help them prepare for your visit and evaluate your child. The CHADIS system administers these forms and questionnaires and analyzes them, allowing our pediatricians to focus on diagnosis and patient care.

What benefits can early diagnostic tools provide?

CHADIS and other online screening tools provide many benefits to patients, their families and pediatricians. The ability to have information before a pediatric visit enhances the productivity of the visit. Having information readily available and organized also helps our pediatricians to be more effective when treating patients. Below are 6 of the best benefits early diagnosis/screening tools can provide.

  1. Catching Early Warning Signs- The consistent monitoring of the development of your child is imperative to catching signs of developmental conditions early.

  2. Management of Medical Documents-

  3. Streamlines Workflow- Access to documents beforehand allows our practice staff to streamline workflow and save you time and stress.

  4. High Identification Rates- Screening has been proven to improve identification rates in children with developmental disabilities.

  5. Improves Doctor/Patient Communication- The platform of online information allows you and your child to more easily communicate issues and conditions about their health.

  6. Focuses Diagnosis and Treatment- Our pediatricians are better prepared for visits. They can use information already gathered on CHADIS to focus diagnostic efforts and treatment plans.

The benefits of early diagnosis/screening tools provide to pediatricians and patients can be invaluable. Most medical conditions’ severity is significantly increased the longer it goes undiagnosed. Some conditions can even be prevented with earlier diagnosis. Kids First Raleigh believes that CHADIS is an instrumental tool in providing a quality level of pediatric service. For more information about our services, contact us at our Raleigh, NC office.

*This article is informational but is not a substitute for medical attention or information from your provider.


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