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Treating Kids for Common Cold in Raleigh
With the up and down of the temperatures and constant monsoon we have been experiencing, we are seeing a lot of children with common cold...
Take the tour!
Take the tour of our new facility!
Encouraging Children to Practice Hand Washing
With the start of the school year comes the spread of germs! Kids don’t always understand why they need to wash their hands, and it’s a...
Vaccines for Kids in Raleigh
Kids First Raleigh Vaccines One of the most important visits to your Kids First pediatrician in Raleigh involves getting vaccines. Before...
How Can Pediatrics Help Suffering U.S. Maternal/Child Health?
Did you know that American women are ten times more likely to die during pregnancy than a mother in Poland? Or that Washington D.C. has...
7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Pediatrician
Choosing the right pediatrician for your child might sound like a daunting process, but it’s more simple than you might think – as long...
Sun Safety
The dog days of summer are here and your kids are soaking up the sun before school starts again. But are they prepared? One blistering...
Top 6 Benefits of Early Diagnosis/Screening Tools
Kids First Raleigh is dedicated to providing your child with the best care possible. The quality and effectiveness of pediatric care is...
Finding a Pediatrician
A little one is on the way and finding a pediatrician in Raleigh is one of the most important things on your “to do list”. Finding a...
Omega 3 Kids & Behavior
Did you know that omega-3 fish oil may help Raleigh kids who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms? Or that this...
Does Postpartum Depression Affect Children?
Pediatric practices are playing a much bigger role when it comes to the diagnosis of postpartum depression in new mothers – something...
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