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Making the 2nd Semester a Success
The second semester of school can feel like a long, uphill climb. We've got helpful tips on how to help your student finish the semester!

Remedies to Ease Cold & Flu Symptoms
Many simple remedies can help ease your child's discomfort and get them back on their feet faster.

Bullying Prevention
With October being Bullying Prevention Month, we thought it was a good time to share some info about bullying.

When To Keep Your Child Home from School
Check out these helpful guidelines for deciding when to send your child back to school after sickness.

Flu Prevention Starts Now
Keep your kids healthy by preventing the flu with the flu vaccine by October 31st.

Making the School Year a Success
Getting ready for school can be exciting and nerve-wracking for kids of all ages. Here are a few tips to make the transition smooth!
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